
Cortical Thinning Pattern of Bulbar- and Spinal-onset Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: a Surface-based Morphometry Study
Chen Zhiye,Liu Mengqi,Ma Lin
Table 2 Brain regions with cortical thinning in ALS compared with controls
Cluster Anatomic region MNI-space K value Pvalue tvalue
ALS vs. NC
1 Left precentral gyrus -9 -24 76 619 0.000 4.15
2 Left postcentral gyrus -56 -9 19 293 0.000 3.70
3 Right gyrus rectus 4 43 -22 150 0.000 3.41
4 Right medial precentral gyrus 6 -22 73 191 0.000 3.37
ALS-bulbar vs. NC
5 Left precentral gyrus -25 -16 68 154 0.000 4.20
6 Righ SMC 8 -8 69 219 0.000 4.45
ALS-spinal vs. NC
7 Left posterior insula -36 -13 -5 264 0.000 3.85
8 Right gyrus rectus 5 42 -24 210 0.000 3.51