6 4层多排CT对冠状动脉旁路移植术后的中期随访:影响桥血管通畅性的危险因素研究

Midterm Follow-up of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting with 64-Slice Multi-detector Computed Tomography: Identification of Risk Factors Affecting Graft Patency
Li Tao,Yang Li,Zhang Weiguo,Luo Chuncai,Huang Zili,Li Jinfeng,Li Xin
Table 2 Distribution of LIMA and SV grafts patency among anastomosed vessels/territories of CABG
Graft type Target vessel Patent, n (%) (n=751) Poor patent, n (%) (n=143) In total (n=894)
LIMA* 294(89.1) 36(10.9) 330
LAD 292(89.6) 34(10.4) 326
RCA 2(50.0) 2(50.0) 4
SV** 457(81.0) 107(19.0) 564
D 69(69.0) 31(31.0) 100
OM 193(85.4) 33(14.6) 226
RCA territory 195(81.9) 43(18.1) 238