
Resuscitation of Septic Patients with Target-and-endpoint Protocol: A Retrospective Study from a Chinese Tertiary Hospital ICU
Zhang Hongmin,Wang Xiaoting,Zhang Qing,Liu Dawei
Table 1 Comparisons of SOFA and APACHE II scores, 0-hour lactate level and in-hospital mortality between subgroups
Groups n SOFA (score) APACHE Ⅱ(score) 0-hour lactate level (mmol/L) In-hospital mortality (%)
Low-CVP group (CVP<8 mm Hg) 187 11 20 1.8 11.3
High-CVP group (CVP≥8 mm Hg) 358 12 23 1.9 9.5
P value <0.001 <0.001 0.110 0.627
Low-MAP group (MAP<75 mm Hg) 148 11 24 1.7 8.8
High-MAP group (MAP≥75 mm Hg) 397 11 22 1.9 9.5
P value 0.455 0.019 0.111 0.807
Low-ScvO2 group (ScvO2<70%) 185 12 23 1.8 11.4
High-ScvO2 group (ScvO2≥70%) 360 11 22 1.9 8.3
P value 0.614 0.227 0.628 0.250