
Resuscitation of Septic Patients with Target-and-endpoint Protocol: A Retrospective Study from a Chinese Tertiary Hospital ICU
Zhang Hongmin,Wang Xiaoting,Zhang Qing,Liu Dawei
Figure 2. The “target-and-endpoint” protocol for resuscitation of the sepsis and septic shock patients. ▲Lactate level and lactate clearance rate were set as the “endpoint” parameter. *CVP, MAP and CO/VTI were set as the “target” parameter. MAP: mean arterial pressure; ScvO2: saturation of central venous oxygen; CVP: central venous pressure; NE: norepinephrine; CO: cardiac output; VTI: velocity-time-integral; SVV: stroke volume variation; IVC: inferior vena cava; PLR: passive leg raising; ↓VO2: decreased oxygen consumption.