合成生物传感器在疾病检测领域的应用技术进展: 设计、分类和展望

Current Technologies of Synthetic Biosensors for Disease Detection: Design, Classification and Future Perspectives
Chen Xue,Lv Yi,Wu Rongqian
Table 1 Characteristics of various simple synthetic biosensors
Classification of signal On/Off Signals Regulation factor Regulation factor fused domain Chimeric regulation factor Applications Reference
On and Off Macrolide
(erythromycin, clarithromycin, and roxithromycin)
MphR(A) VP16 and KRAB ET Gene therapy, tissue engineering, in vivo gene function analyses, drug discovery, biopharmaceutical manufacturing 5
On and Off Pristinamycin I Pip VP16 and KRAB PIT Compatible with the Tet-OFF system, thus two different gene activities can be controlled in the same cell 6
Amino acid
On L-arginine ArgR ART VP16 Gene therapy and manufacturing of protein pharmaceuticals 7
On Tryptophan TrpR VP16 TRT Targeted gene expression control 57
Small molecular
On and Off Cumate CymR VP16 cTA, rcTA Regulation of gene expression level and duration 58
On Acetaldehyde AlcR - AlcR Therapeutic transgene dosing and biopharmaceutical manufacturing 59
On 6-hydroxy-nicotine HdnoR VP16 - Drug-responsive homologs in basic research, therapeutic cell engineering and biopharmaceutical manufacturing. 60
On pH/CO2 TDAG8 - - Remote control of cellular behavior inside microfluidic devices; CO2-triggered production of biopharmaceuticals in standard bioreactors 61
Drug compound
On 2-phenylethyl-butyrate EthR VP16 - Generic screening platform to discover drug candidates 62
Qutam sensing signal
On Butyrolactones ScbR
VP16 SCA, SPA Clinical application 9
On 3-oxo-C8-HSL TraR NF-κB p65 p65NTraR Versatile gene expression control 10
On Uric acid HucR KRAB mUTS Self-sufficient control of pathologic metabolites, gene- and cell-based therapies 54
On Bile acids TGR5 - p65NTraR Liver injuries protection 44
On Fatty acid TtgR - LSR Metabolic disorders treatment 63
Food additive
Off Phloretin TtgR VP16 TtgA Biopharmaceutical manufacturing, gene- and cell- based therapies 8
On Vanillic acid MOR9-1 - - Cell differentiation 64
On and Off Vanillic acid VanR VP16 and KRAB VanA1 and VanA4 Biopharmaceutical manufacturing, gene- and cell- based therapies 65
Allergic biomarkers
On Histamine HRH2 - - Allergy diagnostics 40
On Acrylate AcuR - - Investigate characteristics of inducible transcriptional regulators 66
On Glucarate CdaR - -
On Erythromycin MphR - -
On Naringenin TtgR - -
Off Biotin BirA - - Cell therapy and biopharmaceutical manufacturing 67
On Biotin BirA VP16 BIT Gene therapy, tissue engineering, biopharmaceutical manufacturing 68
Hormone On and Off Thyroid hormone TSHR - TSR Thyroid hormone regulation 52
Inflammation factor On NF-kB NF-kB-responsive elements - - Inflammation monitor 56