
Pregnancy-Induced Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis: A Case Report and Literature Review
Jie Zhao,Yimeng Yang,Shuhong Ming
Table 2 Cases of HLH during pregnancy reported in the literature
No. Reference Maternal age (years) Gestation (weeks) Associated
Treatment Maternal outcome Fetal
1 Nakabayashi et al., 1999[8] 30 21 Preeclampsia Antithrombin survive survive
2 Chmait et al., 2000[9] 24 29 Necrotizing lymphadenitis, EBV Ampicillin, acyclovir Betamethasone, IgG death survive
3 Hanaoka et al., 2007[10] 33 21 B-cell lymphoma Emergent caesarean section ; R-CHOP chemotherapy survive survive
4 Teng et al., 2009[11] 28 23 Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia No response to corticosteroid; caesarean section survive death
5 Arewa et al., 2011[12] 31 21 HIV HAART survive survive
6 Shukla et al., 2013[13] 23 10 NS No response to prednisolone; spontaneous abortion survive death
7 Goulding et al., 2014[14] 27 23 HSV-2 Acyclovir survive death
8 Mayama et al., 2014[15] 28 20 Parvovirus B19 Prednisolone survive survive
9 Klein et al., 2014[16] 39 30 EBV Corticosteroid, cyclosporine A, etoposide, Rituximab death survive
10 Tumian et al., 2015[17] 35 38 CMV Dexamethasone death survive
11 Giard et al., 2016[18] 35 13 Streptococcal pharyngitis, KF lymphadenitis No response to corticosteroids; dexamethasone and etoposide; abortion death death
12 Rousselin et al., 2017[19] 44 30 Raynaud syndrome, thrombocytopenia Antimicrobial therapy, glucocorticosteroids survive survive
13 He et al., 2017[20] 27 30 NK/T cells
Dexamethasone, rituximab and etoposide death survive
14 Ikeda et al., 2017[21] 36 11 EBV Dexamethasone, cyclosporine, Etoposide survive survive
15 Yildiz et al., 2018[22] 36 NS Acute hepatitis, HIV Metronidazole, ceftriaxone, methylprednisolone, antibiotherapy survive survive
16 Wang et al., 2018[23] 40 NS UNC13D gene mutation Etoposide, dexamethasone survive death
17 Nasser et al., 2018[7] 36 31 HSV-2 Acyclovir survive death
18 Neistadt et al., 2018[24] NS 27 NK/T-cell
Corticosteroids, etoposide, pembrolizumab death death
19 Parrott et al., 2019[25] 28 18 Lupus No response to etoposide and corticosteroid death death