Duplicate publication
Manuscripts submitted to Chin Med Sci J must be original and has not been published elsewhere either in print or electronically, nor has been submitted for publication elsewhere. We do not consider articles that have been published in language other than English, except commissioned second publication, or of which author had claimed an acceptable reason for republish in English. Authors should declare the manuscript is original and whether any part of their manuscript has been published elsewhere or not.
Anti-plagiarism and appropriate use of images
All manuscripts will go through crosscheck for anti-plagiarism. The similarity rate of a manuscript should be kept appropriately low (usually <10% for original article). In case that prominent text plagiarism was detected, the manuscript will be rejected without peer review. Authors are responsible to preserve minimum adjustment for images in order to ensure readers not be misled when interpreting the image.
Authorship and contribution
Authors listed should meet the authorship criteria defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editor (ICMJE). Please download The Statement of Authorship and Contribution from the website, print, fill the necessary information, and have each author sign on it. The scanned copy is needed to complete the submission.
Conflicts of interests disclosure
A universal disclosure form can be downloaded from the journal’ s website, and filled out by each author. These document can be compressed into a single file and upload to the system before completing submission. We also provide a self-designed disclosure form in Chinese for author as an alternative way to disclose their potential conflicting interests.
Ethical review and approval for research involving human or animals
For studies involving human subjects or animals, the submission should be accompanied with an electronic document that shows approval by the Institutional Ethic Committee, or relevant review committee on ethics and animal welfare. Clinical trials that have been registered on appropriate online registry will have priority during editorial processing and publication. For case report, a written informed consent to the publication from the reported patient or his /her guardian is required.
For studies that supported by governmental, institutional, or commercial fund, accurate name and number of the fund should be included in the cover letter; accordingly, electronic copies of the fund that include funding information should be uploaded at submission.
Data sharing
We encourage the publication of scientific data associated with research papers on the journal's website in an enhanced publication format, or linked to scientific data repositories for readers to access. For research papers, authors are required to provide a data sharing statement indicating whether the relevant research data is shared and the manner of sharing. If open shared scientific data is used in the research paper, it must be cited in the references.
Use of generative artificial intelligence technology
Generative artificial intelligence (GAI) and teams cannot be listed as authors of a manuscript. If review process find that the main content of the paper is completed by GAI, the paper will be rejected. If GAI is used in the research process or manuscript writing, the authors should be responsible for the generated content and disclose the usage in the cover letter.