Individual’s information | stuID, year, city, grade, gender, date of birth, ethnicity, type of registered residence (Hukou), type of residence address, etc. | 39 | 37,495 |
Social-economic status | stuID, year, city, grade, single-child household or not, the number of sister/brother, who is living with you, parents’ education level and occupation, family economic status, self-assessment on family relations, access to computer and internet at home, etc. | 32 | 35,437 |
Social interaction | stuID, year, city, grade, whether live on campus, number of intimate friends, the name, school, grade, type of registered residence of intimate friends, what do you often do when together, what do you often talk when together, etc. | 51 | 23,335 |
Nutrition and diet | stuID, year, city, grade, 26 questions about the dietary of the last week investigated according to the frequency of different types of food, having breakfast or not, frequency and degree of hunger, time and length of sleep, self-examination of health status, etc. | 30 | 37,435 |
School adaptation | stuID, year, city, grade, school social behavior measured by the School Social Behavior Scales (SSBS-2)[3, 4] | 69 | 56,523 |
Quality of life | stuID, year, city, grade, measures on quality of life in the Quality of Life Scale for Children and Adolescents (QLSCA)[5] | 53 | 51,290 |
Physical activity | stuID, year, city, grade, frequency of different sports, frequency of vigorous exercise, exercise intensity during breaks and after lunch, frequency of vigorous exercise at different times, self-assessment on exercise frequency and performance, etc. | 36 | 35,834 |
Risk behavior | stuID, year, city, grade, risk behaviors measured by the questionnaire based on 2017 State and Local Youth Risk Behavior Survey[7] | 27 | 36,278 |
Psychological cognition | stuID, year, city, grade, psychological cognition measured by self-designed questionnaire on the aspects of self-cognition, peer relationship and campus bullying cognition | 21 | 14,703 |
Mental health | stuID, year, city, grade, mental health measured by the Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) scale for senior high school students[9] | 94 | 29,944 |
Physical fitness test | stuID, year, city, grade, weight, height, vital capacity, 50-m sprint, standing long jump, sit and reach, one minute rope skipping, 1000-m running for boys and 800-m running for girls, pull-ups for boys, bent-leg sit-ups for girls etc. | 21 | 80,191 |