Chinese Medical Sciences Journaldoi: 10.24920/004372

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Hemanta Dhungana*, Subhash Jangid, Meghal Goyal   

  1. Fortis 医院骨科, 古尔冈, 哈里亚纳邦, 印度
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-30 接受日期:2024-07-02 发布日期:2024-08-05

Alignment Techniques in Total Knee Arthroplasty:Where do We Stand Today?

Hemanta Dhungana*, Subhash Jangid, Meghal Goyal   

  1. Department of Orthopedics, Fortis Hospital, Gurgaon, Haryana, India
  • Received:2024-04-30 Accepted:2024-07-02 Online:2024-08-05
  • Contact: *E-mail:

摘要: 在全膝关节置换术中, 最佳对线对确保手术成功和植入物长期存活至关重要。传统上, 采用机械对线方法以达到中性对位。随着运动学对线,以及调整机械对线、受限运动学对线、反向运动学对线和功能性对线等混合技术的涌现,使复原关节运动学和解剖学对线成为可能,从而达到更好的功能性治疗效果和患者满意度。在制定最佳对线策略时必须考虑以下因素: 植入物的长期耐久性、功能改善程度以及个体关节的解剖变异。此外,计算机或机器人辅助技术在手术中的应用,提高了植入体定位的精确性,实现了对软组织平衡的客观评估。在优化对线策略时,外科医生更关注满足个体解剖变异的个性化需求。目前,全膝关节置换术中应用的各种对线技术主要包括机械对线、患者个体化的运动学对线、混合对线等。本文从各种对线技术产生的的理论依据, 及其手术原则和优缺点等几个方面做一综述,以帮助外科医生进一步了解这些对线技术及其疗效,选择更合理的对线方案,以改善疗效和延长植入体的使用寿命。

关键词: 全膝关节置换术, 混合对线, 功能对线, 运动学对线, 对位轴, 解剖学对线, 机械对线

Abstract: Achieving optimal alignment in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a critical factor in ensuring optimal outcomes and long-term implant survival. Traditionally, mechanical alignment has been favored to achieve neutral post-operative joint alignment. However, contemporary approaches, such as kinematic alignments and hybrid techniques including adjusted mechanical, restricted kinematic, inverse kinematic, and functional alignments, are gaining attention for their ability to restore native joint kinematics and anatomical alignment, potentially leading to enhanced functional outcomes and greater patient satisfaction. The ongoing debate on optimal alignment strategies considers the following factors: long-term implant durability, functional improvement, and resolution of individual anatomical variations. Furthermore, advancements of computer-navigated and robotic-assisted surgery has augmented the precision in implant positioning and objective measurements of soft tissue balance. Despite ongoing debates on balancing implant longevity and functional outcomes, there is an increasing advocacy for personalized alignment strategies that are tailored to individual anatomical variations. This review evaluates the spectrum of various alignment techniques in TKA, including mechanical alignment, patient-specific kinematic approaches, and emerging hybrid methods. Each technique is scrutinized based on its fundamental principles, procedural techniques, inherent advantages, and potential limitations, while identifying significant clinical gaps that underscore the need for further investigation.

Key words: total knee arthroplasty, hybrid alignment, functional alignment, kinematic alignment, alignment axes, anatomical alignment, mechanical alignment

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