Chinese Medical Sciences Journal ›› 2013, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 20-27.doi: 10.1016/S1001-9294(13)60014-0

• Original Article • 上一篇    下一篇

Awareness of Cornea Donation of Registered Tissue Donors in Nanjing△

Ting Chu1,2, Lin-nong Wang1,2*, Hao Yu3, and Ru-yang Zhang3   

  1. 1 Department of Ophthalmology, Nanjing First Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210006, China; 2 Red Cross Eye Bank of Nanging, Nanjing 210006, China; 3Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China
  • 收稿日期:2012-08-17 出版日期:2013-03-26 发布日期:2013-03-26
  • 作者简介:*Corresponding author Tel: 86-25-52270193, Fax: 86-25-52269924, Email:

Awareness of Cornea Donation of Registered Tissue Donors in Nanjing△

Ting Chu1,2, Lin-nong Wang1,2*, Hao Yu3, and Ru-yang Zhang3   

  1. 1 Department of Ophthalmology, Nanjing First Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210006, China; 2 Red Cross Eye Bank of Nanging, Nanjing 210006, China; 3Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China
  • Received:2012-08-17 Published:2013-03-26 Online:2013-03-26
  • About author:*Corresponding author Tel: 86-25-52270193, Fax: 86-25-52269924, Email:

摘要: To evaluate the current cornea donation awareness of tissue donors in the city of Nanjing, China.
Methods Altogether 2000 registered tissue donors in the Red Cross Eye Bank of Nanjing by the end of 2010 and 2000 control residents of Nanjing in February to June 2011 were randomly selected to participate in our field questionnaire survey. The questionnaire consisted of questions regarding the understanding of cornea dona-tion, the attitude toward cornea donation, and attitude toward legislation and free donation. The awareness of cornea donation between the registered tissue donors and residents was compared. Related factors of the willing-ness to donate corneas and to become a tissue donor were evaluated with univariate and multiple logistic regression analysis.
Results A total of 1867 (response rate: 93.4%) tissue donors and 1796 (response rate: 89.8%; effective questionnaires: 1697) residents participated in this survey. For the questions about the knowledge of cornea donation, 90.3% tissue donors (residents: 78.9%) knew that donated corneas could be used for transplantations; 71.2% tissue donors (residents: 47.6%) knew that the appearance would not be destroyed after cornea donation; 70.7% tissue donors (residents: 20.0%) knew the formalities to become a cornea donor. For attitude toward cornea donation, 82.2% tissue donors (residents: 45.1%) were willing to donate corneas or eyeballs after death; 84.0% tissue donors (residents: 30.2%) had discussed with their families about donation; 85.1% tissue donors (res-idents: 24.8%) supported their families' or friends' cornea donation. For attitude toward legislation and free donation, 88.3% tissue donors (residents: 61.3%) approved of legislation to regular cornea donation; 72.2% tissue donors (residents: 38.8%) thought that cornea or organ donation should be gratis. The difference between two groups was significant (P<0.001). However, some tissue donors did not know cornea donation well, some even opposed the legislation of cornea donation and free donation protocol. For the factors influencing the willingness to donate corneas, population was the most relevant factor (P<0.001), since tissue donors were more willing to donate corneas than residents. Other significantly related factor were age, gender, occupation, and education level (P<0.001), while political status or religion were not significant. For the factors related to becoming a tissue donor, older age, male, white-collars (including white-collar, civil servant, teacher, soldier, lawyer, salesman, healthcare provider), higher education level, party members (including the Chinese Communist Party members, democratic party members, and the Communist Youth League members) (P<0.05).
Conclusions The registered tissue donors have better understanding and more positive attitude towards cornea donation than control residents do. They approve of the legislation of cornea donation and free donation protocol. It may be more effective to target the population of over 58 years old, male, white-collars, well-educated people, and party members in the promotion of cornea donation.

关键词: cornea donation, tissue donors, eye banks, cross-sectional study

Abstract: To evaluate the current cornea donation awareness of tissue donors in the city of Nanjing, China.
Methods Altogether 2000 registered tissue donors in the Red Cross Eye Bank of Nanjing by the end of 2010 and 2000 control residents of Nanjing in February to June 2011 were randomly selected to participate in our field questionnaire survey. The questionnaire consisted of questions regarding the understanding of cornea dona-tion, the attitude toward cornea donation, and attitude toward legislation and free donation. The awareness of cornea donation between the registered tissue donors and residents was compared. Related factors of the willing-ness to donate corneas and to become a tissue donor were evaluated with univariate and multiple logistic regression analysis.
Results A total of 1867 (response rate: 93.4%) tissue donors and 1796 (response rate: 89.8%; effective questionnaires: 1697) residents participated in this survey. For the questions about the knowledge of cornea donation, 90.3% tissue donors (residents: 78.9%) knew that donated corneas could be used for transplantations; 71.2% tissue donors (residents: 47.6%) knew that the appearance would not be destroyed after cornea donation; 70.7% tissue donors (residents: 20.0%) knew the formalities to become a cornea donor. For attitude toward cornea donation, 82.2% tissue donors (residents: 45.1%) were willing to donate corneas or eyeballs after death; 84.0% tissue donors (residents: 30.2%) had discussed with their families about donation; 85.1% tissue donors (res-idents: 24.8%) supported their families' or friends' cornea donation. For attitude toward legislation and free donation, 88.3% tissue donors (residents: 61.3%) approved of legislation to regular cornea donation; 72.2% tissue donors (residents: 38.8%) thought that cornea or organ donation should be gratis. The difference between two groups was significant (P<0.001). However, some tissue donors did not know cornea donation well, some even opposed the legislation of cornea donation and free donation protocol. For the factors influencing the willingness to donate corneas, population was the most relevant factor (P<0.001), since tissue donors were more willing to donate corneas than residents. Other significantly related factor were age, gender, occupation, and education level (P<0.001), while political status or religion were not significant. For the factors related to becoming a tissue donor, older age, male, white-collars (including white-collar, civil servant, teacher, soldier, lawyer, salesman, healthcare provider), higher education level, party members (including the Chinese Communist Party members, democratic party members, and the Communist Youth League members) (P<0.05).
Conclusions The registered tissue donors have better understanding and more positive attitude towards cornea donation than control residents do. They approve of the legislation of cornea donation and free donation protocol. It may be more effective to target the population of over 58 years old, male, white-collars, well-educated people, and party members in the promotion of cornea donation.

Key words: cornea donation, tissue donors, eye banks, cross-sectional study

基金资助: △Supported by the Key Medical Science and Technology Development Projects of Nanjing City (ZKX08009).

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