Chinese Medical Sciences Journaldoi: 10.24920/004367

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刘雯雯, 刘梅林*   

  1. 北京大学第一医院 老年病内科,西城区100034,北京市,中国
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-18 接受日期:2024-06-28 发布日期:2024-09-04
  • 通讯作者: * E-mail:

Vascular Calcification: Where is the Cure?

Wen-Wen Liu, Mei-Lin Liu*   

  1. Department of Geriatrics, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing 100034, China
  • Received:2024-04-18 Accepted:2024-06-28 Online:2024-09-04
  • Contact: * E-mail:

摘要: 随着年龄的增长,血管钙化(vascular calcification, VC)的发病率逐渐升高,导致相关心血管事件和全因死亡增加,加重了全球临床负担。在过去的几十年里,针对VC发病机制的陆续研究为VC的治疗提供了一些可能性。然而,目前的干预手段都未能在逆转或治愈VC方面取得肯定的临床效果。本文旨在总结干预VC的新发现,为临床治疗提供参考。

关键词: 血管钙化, 临床, 病理生理学, 治疗策略, 新发现

Abstract: With the progress of aging, the incidence of vascular calcification (VC) gradually increases, which is correlated with cardiovascular events and all-cause death, aggravating global clinical burden. Over the past several decades, accumulating approaches targeting the underlying pathogenesis of VC have provided some possibilities for the treatment of VC. Unfortunately, none of the current interventions have achieved clinical effectiveness on reversing or curing VC. The purpose of this review is to make a summary of novel perspectives on the interventions of VC and provide reference for clinical decision-making.

Key words: vascular calcification, clinical, pathophysiology, therapeutic strategies, novel findings

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