Chinese Medical Sciences Journal ›› 2018, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (4): 210-215.doi: 10.24920/003525

• Perspectives • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Implement the Palliative Care in Medical Practice of a Tertiary Comprehensive Hospital in China

Ning Xiaohong   

  1. Department of Geriatrics, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730, China
  • Received:2018-10-07 Accepted:2018-10-09 Published:2018-12-30
This article gives an overview of implementing palliative care in a tertiary comprehensive hospital in China. The author's experiences and perspectives in developing palliative care in mainland China were shared from multiple aspects.

The locations and modalities of palliative care services to patients with severe/end-stage illness can be diverse, ranging from general hospitals to home-based care. The concept of palliative care hasn’t been fully applied to medical practice by care providers in mainland China, where the seriously ill or terminal patients mainly receive medical care in hospitals. The implementation of palliative care in medical practice has developed greatly in Peking Union Medical College hospital in terms of clinical patient care, education, and research. This article gives an overview of it, and the experiences in team building, promotion, support seaking and fund raising were also discussed in this article. We hope to explore an effective dilivering model of palliative care for end-stage patients that is adaptive to Chinese culture and social environment.

Key words: palliative care, medical practice, education, team building

Funding: Supported by the Educational Reform Project of Peking Union Medical College(2015zlgc0120)

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