Chinese Medical Sciences Journal uses online submission system (English version and Chinese version), which can save time while you and the editorial office process your manuscript. If you are the first-time user of the system, you will need to register an account with a user name and password.
Before submitting, please refer to the webpage on the ethic policy and editorial policy of the journal. Please make sure you have all the information required for submitting the manuscript.
For each author, the name, affiliation, and contact information (E-mail, phone number, mail address, and postal code) are needed. We encourage author to use institutional e-mail address for corresponding.
Cover page
All submission starts with a cover page which includes the following information:
-Article title
-Author list and information (full name, phone and e-mail address of each author).
-Affiliations (department, institute, city, zip code, country).
-Corresponding author’s name, brief introduction, contact details.
-Whether the manuscript or any part has been previously published, or presented on a conference, in any language.
-Whether all authors have verified the manuscript and consent to the submission.
-Funding support (fund resource, project title and the serial number), if applicable.
-Whether have an ethic review approval from institutional review board
-Data sharing statement and approach to access data of this study
-Acknowledgement, if applicable.
Manuscript organization
The main body of a manuscript include the following sections:
- Title, abstract, and key words (Author’s information should be anonymous here)
- Main text: sections should be included and follow the order:
Introduction;Material and Methods;Results;Discussion;References;Figures and legends;Tables
Authors are subjected to provide relevant documents at submission, or during the editorial proceeding, to support the validation of information in the manuscript and compliance of the study with the enforcing associated regulations. These supporting documents mainly include:
- Publication agreements*
The Creative Commons Licenses Publication Agreement need to be filled out, scanned, signed by corresponding author, and uploaded to the system before completing the submission.
- Authorship and contribution form *
Authors listed should meet the authorship criteria defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editor (ICMJE). Please download The Statement of Authorship and Contribution from the website, print, fill the necessary information, and have each author sign on it. The scanned copy is needed to complete the submission.
- Conflicts of interests disclosure *
A universal disclosure form can be downloaded from the journal’ s website, and filled out by each author. These document can be compressed into a single file and upload to the system before completing submission. We also provide a self-designed disclosure form in Chinese for author as an alternative way to disclose their potential conflicting interests.
- Ethical review and approval for research involving human or animals
For studies involving human subjects or animals, the submission should be accompanied with an electronic document that shows approval by the Institutional Ethic Committee, or relevant review committee on ethics and animal welfare.
- Funding sources
For studies that performed with governmental, institutional, or commercial fund support, accurate name and number of the fund should be included in the cover letter; accordingly, electronic copies of the fund that include funding information should be uploaded at submission.
- Supplementary materials
Authors may submit supplementary materials accompany with the manuscript submission. These may include tables, Figures that are important for readers to better understand the article, or audio, video that can support the article. For each supplementary items, please entitled as Table S1, Figure S1, video 1, etc., and provide an in-text citation in the article. Research data that can improve transparency of the study are necessary for readers to better understand, or tables that are not necessarily included in the printed article, or video that can promote the article, may be requested to provide as the supplementary at editors’ choice.
- Original pictures and data
Upload all figures in qualified resolution, or/and study data that is supportive to the result and conclusion in a compressed file (rar, zip, etc)